Since their 50th anniversary in 2020, ECP has collaborated with and the Out of Home Advertising Association of America to promote Earth Day awareness. Our efforts ranged from drawing important parallels between the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change issues to engaging CEO’s, business owners, and corporate decision makers to invest time, resources, and money to make sustainable change.
Campaign messaging has run on thousands of digital displays nationally, including highway bulletins, posters, bus shelters, and Times Square displays, and also internationally in Zimbabwe and India. Over the last three years, saw more than 11 million pageviews, and the #RestoreOurEarth and #InvestInOurPlanet hashtags featured in our out of home designs and other promotional materials reached 339+ million people.

In The News:
- EARTHDAY.ORG Launches OOH Campaign, OOH Today
- OAAA Partners With To Launch “Restore Our Earth” Out Of Home Display Campaign,
- Extra Credit Projects Campaign Supports Earth Day, Billboard Insider
- Agencies, Brands Celebrate Earth Day, Media Post
- Trees, Bees & Butterflies on OOH Smog Absorbing Materials, OOH Today
- Nature’s Essential Works on OOH Displays for Climate Week, Billboard Insider
- Nature’s Essential Workers Featured For Climate Week, OOH Today
- Nature’s Essential Workers featured on Out of Home Displays for Climate Week,
- Like More Cowbell—We Need More OOH PSA Campaigns, OOH Today
- Lamar Honor’s Natures Essential Workers in New Climate Week Out of Home Campaign, Lamar
- OAAA Partners with for Climate Change, Billboard Insider
- Invest In Our Planet, Be The Face of Change, Billboard Insider
- Be The Face of Change: OAAA For The Greater Good, OOH Today
- Invest in our Planet Earth Day Campaign, Outdoor Media Association