Extra Credit Projects and EarthDay.org Claim Plastic Doesn’t Give a F**k


Advertising agency Extra Credit Projects (ECP), in partnership with EARTHDAY.ORG and the Out of Home Advertising Association of America (OAAA) once again helped to bring international awareness to Earth Day.

The designs brought awareness to the organization’s focus on educating audiences about the negative health effects of the single-use plastic industry.

“This incredible campaign devised by our friends at the creative agency Extra Credit Projects and supported by OAAA, is about alerting the public to the dangers of plastics and their additive chemicals. It is forthright because EARTHDAY.ORG believes that the plastic industry doesn’t give a fork about the planet,” said Tom Cosgrove, Chief Creative and Content Officer for EARTHDAY.ORG.

The message was broadcast on digital billboard units nationally via OAAA’s member companies and internationally across Africa by Earth Day media partner Alliance Media. Additionally, the message was projected in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada on the side of the National Arts Centre, directly across the street from the United Nations summit where international scientists and exports were gathered in their fourth round of negotiations to develop a legally binding treaty to combat plastic pollution on a global scale.

For more information about Extra Credit Projects, contact Rob Jackson at 616.454.2955 or rob@extracreditprojects.com.


EARTHDAY.ORG’s mission is to diversify, educate, and activate the environmental movement worldwide. Growing out of the first Earth Day (1970), EARTHDAY.ORG is the world’s largest recruiter to the environmental movement, working with more than 150,000 partners in nearly 192 countries to build environmental democracy.

About OAAA

Since its founding in 1891, the Out of Home Advertising Association of America (OAAA) has promoted the responsible growth of out of home (OOH). The leading national trade association for the U.S. OOH advertising industry, OAAA represents OOH across all creative formats including billboards, street furniture, transit advertising, and place-based media.

About Extra Credit Projects (ECP)

Founded in 2006, Extra Credit Projects (ECP) is an award-winning advertising, design and media agency that creates digital and traditional integrated campaigns for local, regional and national clients. ECP is a 21-time OBIE winner, and maintains a mission to provide extraordinary ideas to extraordinary brands, clients and causes.