Sources: Extra Credit Projects
Oh Snap! Extra Credit Projects’ new OOH for Gerald R. Ford International Airport
Extra Credit Projects and Claim Plastic Doesn’t Give a F**k
Nonstop Creativity from Extra Credit Projects for Gerald R. Ford International Airport’s 60th Anniversary
Ford 50 Campaign Celebrates the Legacy of Gerald R. Ford
ECP and Gerald R. Ford International Airport top winners and BEST IN SHOW at the ADDYs
ECP took home 21 awards, the most of any agency, as well as two Judge’s Choice Awards and overall Best In Show at the 2022 AAF West Michigan American Advertising Awards.
ECP creates Super Bowl LVI Spot for Gerald R. Ford International Airport
ECP found themselves among big names like Pepsi, Doritos, and Budweiser as they debuted a commercial during Super Bowl LVI on Sunday, February 13 for client Gerald R. Ford International Airport.
Extra Credit Projects Heightens Awareness of Homelessness in Grand Rapids
Extra Credit Projects (ECP) is using traditional outdoor advertising in an untraditional way this giving season for client Guiding Light.
ECP Helps Mary Free Bed Shed Light on Summer Recovery
Midwest advertising agency Extra Credit Projects (ECP) is helping shed light on the power of recovery for Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation Hospital. As part of a summer outpatient advertising campaign, ECP set out to use the sun as an essential part of the creative, relying on sunny days and perfect positioning to complete the message.
PrepNet Virtual Academy gets Some Extra Credit
Coming off more than a year of interrupted schedules, online & off again classrooms, and overall unpredictable schooling, one of the big question’s parents are facing is education options for their students. Midwest advertising agency Extra Credit Projects (ECP) recently launched a statewide summer campaign for PrepNet Virtual Academy, a division of National Heritage Academies.